An Interview with Becket

A wonderful interview with a very interesting man.



Becket is a fascinating character to say the least. He currently assists the iconic authoress Anne Rice, is a former Benedictine monk with a master’s degree in theology, and an author in his own right. His latest offering The Blood Vivicanti features characters and concepts by both Becket and Anne, and is slated to be released as a 6 part series. It was an honor to sit down with him and learn a little more about the man behind the mystique.

Where are you from? What did you love most about growing up there?

I was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL. What I most loved about growing up there was living close to the beach.

Did you have a love of words from an early age?

My love for words began around 11 years old, when I met Sam Rivers (now the bassist for Limp Bizkit). He and…

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