The Problem With the Amazon Pre-Order Option

A short time ago, Amazon announced that self-published authors like myself, and I am sure a large number of you, could now make our books available for pre-order. Just like the established names, the big six writers. Our books could be ordered before their release date. Wow, what a great idea from Amazon. It really … Continue reading The Problem With the Amazon Pre-Order Option

The 99 Cent Craze

Fact: 99 cents is not a lot of money. Fact: 99 cents cannot buy you a lot of thing Fact: If you are a book lover, the above statement is false. Once again, we find ourselves caught in the world of 99 cents sales pitches, and I fear the only thing we can really do … Continue reading The 99 Cent Craze

Alex Laybourne Interviews Author J.W Northrup: A Man Who Doesn’t Write for Himself, But Who Writes for You!

Who is J.W Northrup? My youth was spent on sports and on the outdoors – much of it with my father - wandering through the beauty of the high mountains, feeling the tranquility of the outdoors and the sense of adventure that comes therein, only to return to the dissonance and conflicts, the rules and … Continue reading Alex Laybourne Interviews Author J.W Northrup: A Man Who Doesn’t Write for Himself, But Who Writes for You!